The first time I ever received a text message, it took me the 15 minutes that it took for the sender to arrive for me to finally figure out how the hell to respond to the damn thing. Nowadays I am an accomplished texter, and it is a favorite way for Loverman and I to send sweet nothings to each other since we work opposing schedules.
Our sickening cutesiness aside, Loverman and I are hardly alone in our affinity for texting. Just about everyone does it these days, especially those young punk kids, dontcha know. Although New York State does have a law against texting and driving, it still happens with concerning frequency.
Side note: Monroe County actually had a texting-and-driving law before the State did. In fact, Monroe County's law was far harsher than the current one: Whilst under the original county law an officer could pull over a driver for no reason other than observing them texting behind the wheel, under the current state law an officer can only add that as a charge if s/he observes the driver committing some other driving offense, such as reckless driving. Personally, I think the old law did more to deter texting-and-driving, but my opinion is neither here nor there.
Some National Honor Society students from one local high school, Pittsford Sutherland, made this brief PSA against texting and driving. They even won $2,000 in grant money, and the spot will air locally. You can read more bout these students here
Now I don't know about you, but I remember when I was in National Honor Society I attended a bunch of boring meetings - well, when I felt like it. I'm sure other, more motivated students used their powers for good rather than for sloth, but I know my membership was largely spent merrily reflecting on how it was padding my resume for college applications. Good for these kids for actually doing something positive with their NHS experience. It's refreshing to me to see youth involved in activism.
Friday, June 11, 2010
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