Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rochester's Mayor a Future Lieutenant Governor?

I had intended to write an entirely different post today, however as I turned on my local news, my next post just about wrote itself! Funny how things work out.

I confess, I am one of "those people" so often lamented in our society. I tend to be somewhat oblivious when it comes to politics - at least locally. Oh sure, I can tell you the concerns the region has, but when it comes to which politicians are saying what, I can seldom tell you. Admittedly, not a great thing.

Recently, New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced that he would be running for governor. Today the announcement came that he was selecting Rochester Mayor Robert (Bob) Duffy as his choice for Lieutenant Governor.

Mayor Duffy has been in the fore of Rochester news for several years. Born and raised in Rochester, Duffy served seven years as Chief of Police before being elected mayor in 2006. Re-elected in 2009, Mayor Duffy has lately been in the local news over his controversial push to begin mayoral control over the Rochester City School District. The city schools have their share of issues from truancy, low graduation rates, poor test scores, drugs, and violence. Pointing to vast improvements under mayoral control in other cities, Mayor Duffy has been pointing to this as a solution for some of these problems. He has met a lot of opposition from parents, the school board, and other citizens.

Despite this, there have also been many successful initiatives Mayor Duffy has led. He started the 311 call center, a toll-free number billed as "one call to City Hall." He began Clean Sweep, an annual city initiative to beautify neighborhoods. To involve the community in helping out high-crime areas, he helped begin programs such as Pastors on Patrol, gang-prevention program Pathways to Peace, and police-citizen coalition PAC-TAC (Police and Citizens Together Against Crime). He lowered city property taxes. Hell, don't take my word for all this - his website has a List of Accomplishments during his reign as mayor (not exactly humble, but hey, that's politics for you).

There is some concern that if elected, many of the initiatives started by Duffy may fall by the wayside, including mayoral control of schools, revitalization of downtown sites, and some of the aforementioned programs that have already been successful. Some Rochesterians support his decision whilst others are concerned that he will leave Rochester in the lurch.

So why is someone who usually doesn't pay a whole lot of attention to politics spending so much time talking about Bob Duffy? As a fellow Rochester native, I am interested to see how, if elected, how this might affect Western New York State. Having lived here my whole life, I am pretty much used to the rest of the country - the rest of the world even - seeming to think New York State is pretty much comprised of New York City, Long Island, Westchester County, and a very ambiguous term called "Upstate" which is used to describe pretty much everywhere else. To illustrate, here is the message most people get about New York State:


Hm, that's an awful lot of nonentity there. In reality, here are the correct names of the regions of New York:


We who are lumped into the generic "Upstate" label are pretty much used to being disregarded not only by the rest of the country, but by our own state government. Many "Upstate" regions voice feelings of neglect on the part of the government. In some ways, I can understand the error: It would be foolish to ignore that New York City is a mecca of national and international business, culture, and history. At the same time, Western New York, the Finger Lakes, and many other "Upstate" regions have been suffering economically.

Despite its many wonderful qualities (including being rated #6 on the Places Rated Almanac Best Places to Live in America out of 379 communities in America), Rochester is a rust belt city with businesses - and young people - leaving in droves. Where's the help for us, and cities like ours? In fact, in March of 2009 some state senators motioned for a vote to divide New York, seceding "Upstate" as its own entity that can focus on its own unique needs. Some citizens agree wholeheartedly with this motion, such as Unshackle Upstate. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I think it illustrates a valid point: "Upstate" New Yorkers feel pretty darn neglected and are pretty miffed about it.

I'm not here to say the Cuomo/Duffy ticket is going to be a panacea for all of "Upstate's" woes - I may not be fully invested in politics, but I'm not that delusional. However I do think it would be interesting to see how having one of Rochester's native sons in such a position of power and how this may - or may not - ultimately lead to a closer understanding of the particular needs of this region.

Any other Rochesterians or New Yorkers out there? How do you feel Mayor Duffy's viewpoint could potentially affect government relations with "Upstate?"


  1. I LOVE THAT MAP!! May I post it (with a link to this blog) on my Facebook?

    Also, I wholeheartedly agree that Upstate regularly gets the shaft, and I am one of those folks who is pretty bitter. Having the ol' ball & chain of Downstate attached to us gives us the benefit of liberal legislation & social services, which benefits my friends and me a whole lot, but I'm also sick of having NYC's needs put before Upstate's.

    As for having an Upstater as a lieutenant governor candidate - I'm not terribly impressed. After doing some research, I found that most previous governors & lieutenant governors were, in fact, from Downstate, but isn't that what they usually do with Senators? Gilibrand is from Upstate, but I'm not sure it balances things out any. I really like Schumer, who makes a point of visiting every county in the state at least once a year, and whom I believe usually has the whole state's interests at heart.

    It's neat to see you blogging politics! I <3 Yr "New" Blog.


  2. Yes, you may! Glad you like the map! Yay for my mad MS Paint skillz.

    I am so glad you like it. If you think others would enjoy, feel free to pass it along!

  3. Found you through Ami. This map is so funny. I grew up in Ulster County ("Mid-Hudson Region" according to the other map) and I always thought it was so ridiculous that people from Westchester and south thought of us as "upstate". We call ourselves that, mostly because all the NY folks do. It's so absurd.

  4. I'm glad you like it! And I have learned something - I was thinking Ulster might also be in the "Practically Upstate" region. Actually, the map ma be more accurate if I made the Hudson Valley "Nice Upstate" (e.g. where people go on vacations and see vineyards, etc) and the rest "Hick Country," a term I heard during college more times than I cared for.
